Medicine Woman

February 4, 2021

  What is Medicine Woman all about? There’s no better time to change your lifestyle and gain your health freedom. True vitality and wellbeing isn’t found in a pill. It’s not found in a drive-through. True wellbeing is found by connecting, just like our great grandmothers did, to the garden, the earth and to the plants right outside our door. That’s […]

Plant-based and gluten-free on a budget
My essential herbal remedy travel kit
My favorite breakfast bread
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I'm Audrey

I'm not sure if the plants found me or I found the plants. For as long as I can remember I've been communing with trees and engaging the dandelion in conversation.  Join me in delighting in the many ways plants provide healing and true connection.


I have some recipes to share with you

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Delicious, plant-based and gluten-free....


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What is Medicine Woman all about?

There’s no better time to change your lifestyle and gain your health freedom.

True vitality and wellbeing isn’t found in a pill. It’s not found in a drive-through. True wellbeing is found by connecting, just like our great grandmothers did, to the garden, the earth and to the plants right outside our door.

That’s why we’re realigning with nature, taking our power back, and remembering how to tap into our intuition and knowledge of our own bodies and what we need to heal and thrive.

Our ancestors knew how to create sustenance and simple medicines from the plants around them.

This membership is all about bringing the ancient wisdom of plant healing that our great grandmothers knew, back to your modern kitchen.

Every ancient culture worldwide has traditions infused with herbal knowledge, and we look to those traditions in this pivotal time.

  • Do you desire to know more about how to cook simple yet delicious meals that deeply nourish you and your family?

  • Would you like to know more about how to use simple herbal remedies, make them yourself at home?

  • Do you dream about growing a beautiful garden of your own medicinal plants or veggies for the dinner table?

  • And finally… do you want to learn all of this within a community of amazing, inspiring women who are on the same journey?

The Medicine Woman Membership is your support and guidance in all of these areas. I have been growing and using plants to help people find their true wellbeing for over a decade… from serving our community at Ezra’s Cafe, our farm, cooking classes and more. I’m excited to be offering this deeper dive into wellbeing for women everywhere.


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What you receive as a Medicine Woman – Medicine Woman members have exclusive access to your own online portal of resources to help you use plants to heal and thrive. I share easy, fun and delicious plant-based recipes for you, kitchen tips, gardening tips, self care tips and so much more. Your monthly videos and resources are guided by the current season. Each season we dive a bit into the seasonal celebration rituals (equinoxes and solstices) and learn how connecting with plants connects us not only to the seasonal shifts but to our inner wisdom and well being.

  • Plant-based gluten-free & dairy-free recipes – learn how to layer medicine into every bite.

  • Simple and powerful home herbal remedies – learn how to make them and when and how to use them.

  • Grow your own food and medicine – learn simple and effective tips on growing your own food and herbs

  • Live videos with me every month – discussing that month’s lessons

  • Each month you receive 4-6 new lessons that are added to the living library

Private Facebook Group – You’ll also have access to the Medicine Woman Inner Circle, a community group where you can connect with your tribe and connect directly with me as I go live from my kitchen and garden, answering your questions and supporting you as a fellow medicine woman.

Medicine Woman is for you if:

  • You desire to deepen your role as the medicine woman in your home, the person cooking most of the meals and in charge of your household’s wellbeing.

  • You desire guidance on plant-based cooking and new recipes and kitchen tips to stay inspired and learn to layer medicine into your dishes

  • You and/or your family have chronic illness and you want to improve your health through what you eat and the plants you use in your home.

  • You would like to learn about growing your own nourishing organic food and herbs right outside your door using regenerative/organic practices

  • You want to know more about how to choose and use simple herbal remedies to take care of yourself and your family

  • You would like to learn how to create your own safe and simple herbal remedies for you and your family

  • You would like to connect with other Medicine Women and be part of a like-minded group as a way to share recipes, challenges, ideas and support each other as fellow medicine women… a virtual tribe of women

  • You want to take back more control of your wellbeing, spend less money at the pharmacy counter and the doctor and create overall vibrant health (body, mind and spirit)

  • You would rather spend time PREVENTING sickness and focusing on having an amazing high quality of life rather than waiting until a problem arises.



For less than $1/day

New lessons are added each month including:

  • Plant-based nourishing recipes

  • Making your own safe simple herbal remedies

  • Growing and foraging your own food and medicine.

    And access to the private Facebook group where I connect with you live each month.



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I'm Audrey, your friend on the plant path

I'm often found in my kitchen cooking up medicine layered meals, in the forest the garden or at my plant-based eatery working with my team.  Plants are my passion and I'm here to share the magic of connecting with our green friends. 

more about me

Hello from the Forest

plant-based & gluten-free recipes for vibrant health

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    Connecting and healing with plants in the garden the kitchen and the spirit

    medicine woman

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